Shop Local With Your Broker!

With the holidays right around the corner, we are beginning to be reminded about shopping locally to support businesses in our community. As we approach open enrollment and January 1st renewals, now is also a great time to think about the advantages of working with a local broker for your company’s employee benefits. Working with a business you know, and trust is important and Acadia Benefits provides our customers with:

The Kennedy’s of Acadia Benefits
2 generations of Kennedy’s… Jack, Bob, Conner, and Kevin Kennedy.

Personalized Service – Our local team has a genuine connection with our customers and their employees.  We pick up the phone when you call, respond to your emails when you have questions, and are onsite for meetings.  We take the time to know our customers, understand your business, and tailor benefit planning to the challenges and direction of your organization.

Value-added Services to Help Support HR Functions – Acadia Benefits offers innovative solutions to help you better manage employee benefits and HR functions.  This includes employee claims support with a dedicated Employee Advocate, tools to assist you with communicating your benefits to your employees, HR risk management solutions including access to Mineral, wellness guidance, and long-term strategic planning.

Knowledgeable About the Market – The world of employee benefits is complex and forever changing.  Our team works with the local carrier reps and knows what is happening in the marketplace.  This knowledge allows us to advocate for our customers, who benefit from these relationships and connections.

Commitment to Employee BenefitsGiven the complexities of the insurance marketplace, our singular focus on employee benefits allows our team to provide the most comprehensive, creative, and competitive solutions to our customers.

Resources of a National Firm – Acadia Benefits’ affiliation with United Benefit Advisors (UBA) makes us very unique. We are a founding member of UBA, a group of 130 independent firms like ours that share best practices and collaborate to develop benefit tools and technology. For the past 20 years, we have led this national partner-owned organization bringing together the expertise and services of the country’s most respected independent employee benefit firms. UBA provides us with:

  • Regulatory and compliance updates
  • Technology for our customers
  • Purchasing collaboratives
  • Priority access to our carriers
  • Preferred pricing and fully vetted vendors for a variety of services including payroll, hr solutions, compliance reporting, employee engagement tools, and more
  • Professional development for our Acadia Benefits team

Our ability to stay independently and locally owned, while having the resources of a national firm through UBA, allows us to provide personalized service to our customers while also offering all the “bells and whistles” that a national broker offers.

This is a great time of year to look at the relationship you have with your benefits broker to ensure you are receiving the services and support you and your employees need. We are happy to share more about how we work with local businesses, so please get in touch with me anytime. Our Acadia Benefits team works with groups of all sizes (starting with just 2 employees!) and there is no cost for the services we provide our customers.

And thank you for considering shopping locally this holiday season… it means a lot to all of our independently-owned small businesses, including Acadia Benefits!



Conner Kennedy


