Benefits of Working with a Local Broker

As we approach open enrollment and January 1st renewals, it’s a great opportunity to look at the relationship you have with your benefits broker to ensure you are receiving the services and support needed.  Here are a few areas that Acadia Benefits prides itself on offering our customers.  As you think about your current relationship with your broker, are you receiving the following?

local broker for employee benefits
Bob Kennedy with his sons, Jack, Conner, and Kevin.

Personalized Service – Our local team has a genuine connection with our customers and their employees.  We pick up the phone when you call, respond to your emails when you have questions, and are onsite (or remotely for some these days) for meetings.  We take the time to know our customers, understand their business, and tailor benefit planning to the challenges and direction of their organization.

Knowledgeable About the Market – The world of employee benefits is complex and forever changing.  Our team works with the local carrier reps and knows what is happening in the marketplace.  This knowledge allows us to advocate for our customers, who benefit from these relationships and connections.

Creative Thinking – With such a tight labor market, it’s imperative that you think outside of the box when putting together your benefits program.  Offering a competitive package makes your business stand out and we present our customers with different options, from various carriers, prior to each renewal.  This includes employee benefit trends including new plan offerings and what similar employers in the area are offering their employees.

Value-Added Services – Acadia Benefits offers innovative solutions to help you better manage employee benefit and HR functions.  This includes employee claims support, tools to assist you with communicating your benefits to your employees, HR risk management solutions, wellness guidance, and long-term strategic planning.

Supporting Our Community – As an independently owned and operated business, the Acadia Benefits team is proud to live and work in our great State of Maine.  Supporting our community has always been part of our company culture and we give back in a variety of ways.  Our charitable efforts are focused on our customers and the programs and causes they are championing in their communities.

We are proud of the role we take working with our groups and their employees.  We have built a reputation for exceptional service and have extremely satisfied, long-term customers because of it.  Our customers view us as an extension of their HR and benefits team and I would be happy to talk with you further about how we can support your business.   Our Acadia Benefits team works with groups of all sizes (starting with just 2 employees!) and there is no cost for the services we provide our customers.


Robert Kennedy


